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Jeffrey Weiss
Current Research
Research in the Weiss Biomechanics Lab focuses on the development and application of experimental and computational techniques to the study of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular cells, tissues and organs. A central theme of our approach to research is the use of multidisciplinary techniques to address research questions that would be impossible to investigate using approaches in a single technical discipline. Our laboratory also leads the development and support of the FEBio software suite (Finite Elements for Biomechanics, www.febio.org). Active Grants: Targeting Collagen Mechanical Damage using Collagen Hybridizing Peptides (1R01AR071358) FEBio: Finite Elements for Biomechanics (PI; NIH/NIGMS #R01 GM083925) Neovessel Guidance in Angiogenesis (R01HL131856) Mechanical Regulation of Vascular Growth and Remodeling (R01AR069297) Population-Based Shape and Biomechanical Analysis of Hip Pathoanatomy (Co-i: NIH/NIBIB R01EB016701)